
Parent Testimonials


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  • Martine & Chris

    "Our son has now been at AMS for a little over three years (starting in the Youngest Children's Community and now in Children's House) and continues to blossom and flourish with each passing day. The independence, social skills, and practical life skills that he developed in YCC have helped him grow into a kind, intelligent, thoughtful, and curious little human being. With him now entering his third year in Children's House, he's already begun learning the foundational skills of phonetics, reading comprehension, and math, in addition to learning what it means to be a member of a community and how to contribute meaningfully to the environment around him. 
    It has been absolutely amazing watching him thrive and we are so grateful that he's had such incredible guides who have supported him throughout these years. They have forever changed his life and ours for the better!"


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  • Sean & Zahra

    "When searching for a school for our older son, who is now 8, we must have visited a dozen schools across town and observed what was taking place in the classroom.  We felt that Austin Montessori integrated independence and structure in such a beautiful way that was unmatched elsewhere.  Allowing that much independence for young people would seem to result in chaos, yet in the environment created in the AMS classrooms by the classroom guide/teacher and informed by the decades-long experience of the AMS leadership, each child may be doing their own thing, and yet there isn't a semblance of disorder.  

    We also love how our kiddos are both learning to work on their own and learning to work together with others - both skills they will need for the rest of their lives.  Sometimes, we have wondered if our children are where they need to be academically - and we have had to trust the process and be patient. Sure enough, in time, we saw that in so many ways, they were advanced compared to what was being learned in other school environments.  As they began transitioning from the Children's House to Early Elementary, we visited other schools with strong reputations to see if there might be something there that we were missing.   We saw a one-size-fits-all approach that contrasted with the Montessori approach, where each child is learning because they are met where they are and progressing at a pace that is appropriate to their needs. They are neither being held back nor rushed.  We wish the Montessori approach, exemplified at Austin Montessori School, was available to all kids."


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  • Elizabeth & Campbell

    "Our experience at Austin Montessori School has been extraordinary and life-changing. We have observed and participated in our daughter’s course of development and education across twelve years and alongside a compassionate and supportive school community. Our daughter began her Montessori education in the Children’s House and blossomed into a responsible, empathetic, and skilled individual in the Adolescent Community. We are happy that our daughter’s learning experience at Austin Montessori School includes practical work, local, regional, and international travel, creative expression, occupations, and strong adult and peer relationships. We believe her experience truly exemplifies education for peace. Austin Montessori School is the best decision we have made as parents thus far."


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  • Merete & Bryon

    "Austin Montessori School is home to our four children. It’s hard to put into words the special place AMS has been for our family. Just walking or driving around the campus, you know this is a community where every member of the staff is there not only for the child but perhaps more importantly because they want to be. We have watched ourselves change as parents in many ways, thanks to the lessons we’ve learned from AMS. The connection to our kids is on a different level where we can offer them ways to find solutions to many of life’s dilemmas on their own. We have four incredibly different children, and all of them are met where they are at, challenged socially and academically. In this time of uncertainty, the one thing we are certain of is our kids, and our family is where we belong."


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  • Shayna

    "My son attended Austin Montessori from the Children's House all the way through full-cycle in the adolescent community. I believe Austin Montessori supported him in fully becoming himself - a tremendous gift in a world that seems to push us to become what it wants instead. He has grown into a mature, considerate, thoughtful, playful, curious, collaborative, intrinsically driven young man who is now excelling in advanced classes at a college prep high school (St. Andrews Episcopal Upper School).

    The grounding he received at Austin Montessori and the experience of belonging and contributing to a community have helped him succeed beyond AMS. I am so grateful he was given the freedom, encouragement, and support to be his fullest self, and I will always be thankful for the incredible teachers and staff at AMS. I wish every child got this care."


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  • Natalie & William

    "Before attending AMS, our son was in a highly reputable, play-based early childhood program. We had a positive experience but were curious about alternatives. A few insights led us to AMS. First, we noticed that our son enjoyed taking his time revisiting concepts and materials. That led us to focus on schools that provide ample time and space for hands-on exploration. Around the same time, a family member encouraged us to learn more about the Montessori approach. Specifically, she suggested that we find a program tied to Association Montessori Internationale (AMI). We did some research and were thrilled to learn about AMS from trusted friends and colleagues. Through our first tour, parent-education opportunities, consultations with staff and faculty, and, most importantly, our son’s community, we have gleaned that all affiliates share a beautiful reverence for childhood. It would be hard to see him thrive anywhere else."


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  • Renee & Aaron

    "We love the Montessori methodology since it's an education pursuing self-motivated growth for children. So, we decided to send our girls to Montessori school despite limited resources in China. 

    We moved from China to Austin in 2016 when our girls turned five and 2.5 years old. Before our big move, we did a lot of research about Montessori schools in the USA and Austin. Austin Montessori School was our first choice because of its history, reputation, and curriculum till middle school, and it is an AMI-recognized school. We feel so lucky that we got the spots for our two girls, and we have stayed here for eight years already! 

    Our oldest daughter is now 13 years old and is about to start in the Adolescent Community. At the end of her Upper Elementary years, during the 'Passage to Adolescence' ceremony, she said, with her eyes on us: "I really enjoy the Montessori environment because you have the freedom of choosing your work and you can go at your own pace... A big thank you to my parents for giving me opportunities to go to this school and for all the support along the way..." I could not stop my tears.

    Each day at Austin Montessori School, we can see our daughters blossoming with guidance on how to be better human beings for this world: peaceful, thankful, self-motivated, and confident girls who are eager for each school day. More than that, the AMS community provided many learning opportunities for parenting, which is so helpful for us. There is never too much to learn, and we love to grow all together."


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  • Prageet & Gagan

    "Our son started at the Youngest Children’s Community when he was 16 months old. Over the past 9 months, he has gained the skills of toileting, dressing himself, focusing on the activity he is engaged in, communicating his needs, and eating independently. He tries to help with a lot of household chores such as cutting fruits, cleaning windows, preparing the dinner table, making the bed, which shows that he is becoming more independent with each day.  He is also learning social skills of giving space to others, sharing, patiently waiting for his turn, and expressing compassion towards other people and animals. We are very grateful to the guides and staff at AMS, who provide the children with a safe and nurturing environment, which fosters the development of life skills, independence, and language."
Austin Montessori School is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex or gender, disability, or age in providing educational services, activities, and programs. The school adheres to all applicable state and federal non-discrimination laws for private, non-profit educational institutions.