
Youngest Children's Community (16 - 36 months)

The Youngest Children’s Community is a community of children from sixteen months to three years old.

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  • Within a nurturing environment, a specially trained Montessori guide fosters the development of gross and fine motor skills, independence, and language.

    A sense of ownership of place and belonging within a community is cultivated through communal and individual activities. These most profound and fundamental early years of life are protected and enhanced according to their characteristics and needs. Montessori calls this the second embryonic period, a time during which the human personality enters a historical and geographical milieu and is immersed in a particular culture. The child’s individual essence differentiates and expresses itself as an emerging social being.

    The contrast between a Montessori program for young children and a traditional daycare setting is stark. We invite you to learn more by registering for the events listed below. 

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  • Our Youngest Children's Communities are located at our Sunset Trail and Great Northern Campuses, with both traditional year and year-round options, five days a week.

Dr. Maria Montessori 

A child who has become master of his acts through long and repeated exercises, and who has been encouraged by the pleasant and interesting activities in which he has been engaged, is a child filled with health and joy and remarkable for his calmness and discipline.

Learning Through Living

Children enter the Youngest Children's Community program between the ages of 16 and 18 months, if walking. The child of this age is a sensorial explorer facing important developmental issues of separation and attachment, autonomy, and functional independence. A small, close, caring community, led by an adult who is educated and trained to guide them, gives the children the opportunity to follow the sensitive periods of this stage of development and accomplish its developmental milestones. Many areas of activity are needed for the child to satisfy the internal demands of this age.

The environment for toddlers is beautiful and is meticulously prepared to meet the need of the small individual, because, at this age, the child’s absorbent mind functions unconsciously, taking in everything whole, without a filter, and making it an indelible part of the child’s deepest self. The human characteristics of intelligence, memory, will, independence, language, and movement are all rooted in what the unconscious absorbent mind experiences in the environment during this period of life.

Areas of Activity

The environment is organized into areas of activity that support exploration in areas of development, including practical life, the outdoors, psycho-sensory motor skills, and language.

List of 4 items.

  • Practical Life Activities

    Practical life activities give the children the opportunity to organize their motor activities in an individualized way to achieve a particular goal. These activities augment the children’s self-respect and support healthy autonomy.
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  • Outdoors

    The out of doors is set up to fill the children’s need to connect with nature, tend to the outdoor environment, and exercise their large muscles. Different areas are designed and provided with specialized equipment to fulfill each of these needs.
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  • Psycho-Sensory Motor Activities

    Children use their hands and their senses together to develop their intelligence. They construct themselves and their human characteristics. Children self-develop through direct, three-dimensional, sensorial and motor experiences. 
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  • Language Activities

    Language is the joy of life both as communication and art. The adults model rich, precise, consistent, and clear language.
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Austin Montessori School is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex or gender, disability, or age in providing educational services, activities, and programs. The school adheres to all applicable state and federal non-discrimination laws for private, non-profit educational institutions.