
Montessori at Home

Montessori At Home

Imagine, for a moment, on a Saturday afternoon, you crave a slice of lemon lavender cake with buttercream frosting and decide to bake one. You walk into the kitchen, almost smelling the sweet and tangy cake in the oven. Alas, you find the cake pans unwashed in the sink. Upon examination of the recipe, you realize that the butter needs to be softened. You look for lemons only to find that you don't have enough and notice that you have run out of eggs. What seemed like a pleasant activity in which you sought to be immediately engrossed will take time and effort for preparation. Your enthusiasm for engaging in an afternoon of baking suddenly wanes.

Envisage, conversely, on this same day that you step into the kitchen to find it gleaming with all the baking supplies you need accessible and in good condition. The pot of herbs on the window-sill is overflowing with lavender. A bowlful of juicy lemons sits on the kitchen counter, next to the butter set out that morning for softening. A delightful afternoon spent baking can immediately commence.

A Montessori classroom is prepared so that a child is drawn to connect and engage deeply with it. Furthermore, the environment stimulates and aids the process of human development. This is an environment that an adult puts significant time and thought into and provides "just enough at just the right time."

At Austin Montessori School, our goal is not for families to replicate a Montessori classroom in their homes. Rather, we aspire to work hard in collaboration with parents to keep alive the culture of learning unique to Montessori and provide you with support and activities that match each child's developmental needs and characteristics.

We are committed to providing the support you need in creating a home environment for your children that is enjoyable and rewarding. We hope you find inspiration in the e-book below on The Prepared Home Environment.
Austin Montessori School is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex or gender, disability, or age in providing educational services, activities, and programs. The school adheres to all applicable state and federal non-discrimination laws for private, non-profit educational institutions.