
About Maria Montessori

List of 1 items.

  • Biography of Dr. Maria Montessori

    Maria Montessori was born on August 31, 1870, in the town of Chiaravalle, Italy. Her father, Alessandro, was an accountant in the civil service, and her mother, Renilde Stoppani, was well educated and had a passion for reading.

    The Montessori family moved to Rome in late 1874, and in 1876 the young Maria enrolled in the local state school on Via di San Nicolo da Tolentino. As her education progressed, she began to break through the barriers which constrained women’s careers. From 1886 to 1890 she continued her studies at the Regio Istituto Tecnico Leonardo da Vinci, which she entered with the intention of becoming an engineer. This was unusual at the time as most girls who pursued secondary education studied the classics rather than going to technical school.

    Upon her graduation, Montessori’s parents encouraged her to take up a career in teaching, one of the few occupations open to women at the time, but she was determined to enter medical school and become a doctor. Her father opposed this course—medical school was then an all-male preserve—and initially, Maria was refused entry by the head of school. She was undeterred, apparently ending the unsuccessful interview with the professor by saying, “I know I shall become a doctor”.

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    *Sourced from montessori150.org

Our Affiliations

List of 3 items.

  • Association Montessori Internationale (AMI)

    The Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) was established in 1929 by Dr. Maria Montessori to maintain, propagate, and further her ideas and principles for the full development of the human being. AMI, with headquarters in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, is to date entrusted with her legacy. AMI functions as the source of complete Montessori training and as a center for continuing research and development.
  • Texas Alliance of Accredited Private Schools (TAAPS)

    Austin Montessori School's Adolescent Community is accredited by the Texas Alliance of Accredited Private Schools (TAAPS). TAAPS is a member of the Texas Private School Accreditation Commission (TEPSAC), the State governing body of private school accreditation associations.
  • The Association Montessori International of the United States (AMI/USA)

    AMI/USA brings the principles of Dr. Maria Montessori to the education of children to help them attain their full potential in our multicultural society. The goals of AMI/USA are: to promote the growth of Montessori education as formulated by Dr. Montessori in both private and public schools, to promote the development of teacher training and assist in establishing training facilities, to foster public understanding of the Montessori pedagogical principles and practice among families and communities, to collaborate with AMI affiliated organizations and, to maintain effective fiscal and organizational strength. There are currently 13 AMI affiliated training centers and 170 AMI schools in the U.S.
Austin Montessori School is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex or gender, disability, or age in providing educational services, activities, and programs. The school adheres to all applicable state and federal non-discrimination laws for private, non-profit educational institutions.